Dépôt-Bloc Inc. and Highthorn first

Congratulations and thanks to Dépôt-Bloc, our top dealer. They are the first dealer to bring in Carrera Stone and our new Premium Highthorn in the Platinum colour. We look forward to working with, Dépôt-Bloc in 2025!
Hamilton Builders Supply now carrying Highthorn Premium
If you’re in the Hamilton Area and are looking for our new Premium Highthorn Pavers, be sure to check out Hamilton Builders Supply!

New Triple H Dealers
Triple H Concrete Products is pleased to introduce two new Ontario dealers. Whether you’re looking for our latest Carrera Stone, or our best selling Covington and Highthorn lines, you can find them at Beaver Valley Stone in Holland Landing or T.A. Angel Landscape Products in Kingston. (Please remember to call ahead for availability or to see what other great Triple H Concrete Products they offer).
T.A. Angel Landscape Products
Kingston, ON K7P 0K3

Beaver Valley
Stone Limited
Holland Landing, ON L9N 1N6

How Triple H is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic
Please read the following regarding our policies and procedures surrounding COVID-19